Talented and Gifed Programs

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There is no national or state "prescribed" program for gifted. Each state and each school district develops their own identification criteria and programs. Iowa is a leader nationwide in promoting programs for g/t students.  As mandated by the Iowa School Standards, W-SR uses multiple criteria to identify students and provides a program for them.  This program provides differentiated programming, staff and evaluation, all in compliance with the CSIP.  At W-SR, once students are identified at the conclusion of 3rd grade, they are formally invited to participate and may remain in the program; however, they may elect to not participate.  Reviews are held at 7th grade and 9th grade.  Records of current students who nearly qualify and students new to the district are reviewed, and their teachers are consulted.


  • Kdg - 3rd: Kari Staack (WC, C, SE, SR, half-time Jr. High Reading)

  • 4th - 6th:  Marilynn Buxton (Irv, SR, WC, C, SE)

  • 7th - 12th: Sarah Cooper (Jr. High, Sr. High)  

Identification - Currently criteria include Kingore Observation Inventory (Kdg-3rd), ITBS, Cognitive Abilities Test and strong teacher recommendation. Further information may be obtained from parents and students. TAG students need commitment, creativity, productivity and a desire for excellence.

Structure - "Pull-out" group classes are held one hour per week. Identified students may participate in extension activities planned by our g/t teacher who serves all Irving 5th-6th graders, and all 4th graders at Carey, Shell Rock, Southeast and West Cedar. Options such as grade and/or subject acceleration, mentoring or independent study are available. Classroom teachers are invited to collaborate with the g/t teacher to plan for students' individual needs. Whole class instruction in critical thinking skills and creative thinking skills is provided in all 4thand 5th grades; and Bloom’s Taxonomy is taught in all 6th grade classrooms.

Programming - Qualitative differentiation in content, product, process and learning environment is provided. Students do in-depth work on creative and critical thinking, logical reasoning, forensic science, Bloom's Taxonomy, Future Problem Solving, and research skills. Students learn strategies they can use to enrich their regular classroom curriculum. Using Planning skills from Talents Unlimited and a book called “Thinking Skills Resource Book” by Lorene Reid, students actually plan, prepare and present thinking skills lessons for peers in the class. This peer teaching provides students opportunities for self-direction, collaboration and creativity, and to improve their leadership, planning, presentation and evaluation skills. Some participate in yearbook, creative writing, foreign language, computer skills, math extensions, and career studies. Classroom teachers are periodically in-serviced on how to pre-test, compact curriculum and allow students to work on alternative activities; most often for math and spelling.

The Future - At the end of 6th grade, students may take the Iowa Algebra Aptitude Test, and recommendations are made for advanced math during 7th grade. Students may participate in various competitions such as History Day, Mock Trial, Math Counts, Oratorical, etc. from 7th-12th grades as well as take AP courses and coursework at Wartburg College. Counselors and the g/t staff have materials about long-term academic and service planning for gifted students.

Opportunities: Summer Enrichment Program is available. Contact lhayzlett@aea267.k12.ia.us in Cedar Falls for more information. Iowa State University offers a conference for girls in 6th-12th grades each spring and fall called “Taking the Road Less Traveled”. See http://www.pwse.iastate.edu/outreach/trlt.html; and OPPTAG - see http://www.opptag.iastate.edu/. Belin-Blank Centerin Iowa City offers the BESTS Test, and is an additional source of activities. See http://www.education.uiowa.edu/belinblank/

Yearbook The yearbook is a traditional activity that originally began as a special interest group in gifted and talented class. Currently, students from each 5th and 6th grade classroom are nominated by peers, classroom teachers and the art teacher using criteria such as: artistic, neat, creative designer, unique ideas, attention to detail, very good planner, can organize others, can work without direction, good decision maker, would create interesting pages, does quality work quickly. The g/t teacher generally identifies participants in late fall and begins working with them in January. Students meet in small groups during the day on a rotating basis and occasionally meet in large groups after school. Students plan, take photos, do layout, write captions, advertise and distribute the books on the last day of school.

For More Information - Contact building principals or g/t teachers. Numerous books, magazines and journals are available. Iowa Talented and Gifted (ITAG) website is http://www.iowatag.org/. The National Association for Gifted Children website is http://www.nagc.org/. Another valuable site is http://www.hoagiesgifted.org/.