Curriculum Development Process

Curriculum | Revision Schedule | Standards & Benchmarks

Each curricular program undergoes a comprehensive review every six years. During this review process, teacher representatives from all involved grade levels meet to review emerging curricular content, develop recommendations for new standards, pilot and adopt new instructional materials, and evaluate program quality. Following is a graphic representation of this six-year process:

Year One
Content Analysis
What is being taught?
Needs Assessment, Literature Reveiw


Year Two
Identifying New Standards
and Benchmarks
What Should Be Taught
Scope and Sequence


Year Three
Obtaining Instructional
Preview and Select Text


  Year Four
Textbook Implementation and Student Assessment
Inservice Staff on Use of New Text
Develop Student Assessment Instruments

Year Five
Continue Inservices on
New Text, Review Objectives
Revise Assessment Methods


  Year Six
Monitor Use of Text
Evaluuate Assessment Data

Content selection is based upon

  • Iowa Department of Education Content Standards

  • Community and school board input

  • Standards of national organizations (i.e. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics)

  • Staff recommendations