Get Involved
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Parent-teacher conferences are held two times a year, although faculty and staff are available to meet with parents whenever there is a need. Consult your school calendar to see when conferences are scheduled for your child.Big Brothers/Big Sisters
The BBBS mentoring program is a program that matches an adult role-model with a child. Mentors are carefully matched to students. Mentors and students can work on such things as goal setting, conflict resolution, homework, etc. Sometimes mentors and students just play a game or get to know each other better. If you would like to become a mentor for Middle school, please contact Melinda Pitt or Roger WilcoxMelinda Pitt
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northeast Iowa
118 Bremer Ave. Suite B
Waverly, IA 50677
Parent Volunteers
Middle School always needs volunteers to help with classroom activities, special events, and office duties. If you are interested in helping Middle School please contact the school office at: 319.352.3632 or