Activity Changes

Weather Links


Normal arrival and dismissal times (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday):

West Cedar, Carey, and Southeast start at 8:25 and end at 3:10 
Shell Rock start at 8:05 and end at 2:50
Senior High School 5th/6th start at 8:25 and end at 3:15
Senior High School 7th/8th start at 8:25 and end at 3:19
High School start at 8:20 and end at 3:25

Early Dismissal Times for Wednesdays:

West Cedar, Carey, and Southeast 2:00 PM 
Shell Rock 1:45 PM 
Senior High School 5th/6th 2:05 PM
Senior High School 7th/8th 2:09 PM 
High School 2:14 PM

Activity Changes:

Check out our conference scheduling program. Parents can access schedules & rosters or be notified of schedule changes.